Data from work created by members of the CSI
A Catalog of Spectra, Albedos, and Colors of Solar System Bodies
This dataset contains the geometric albedo, spectra, and colors of 19 different Solar System objects for use as exoplanet references.
Journal article for data: Madden & Kaltenegger (2018) A Catalog of Spectra, Albedos, and Colors of Solar System Bodies for Exoplanet Comparison. Astrobiology (
Planetary spectra of planets orbiting white dwarfs
Transmission spectra of planets orbiting white dwarfs as described in Kozakis et al. (2020): High-resolution Spectra and Biosignatures of Earth-like Planets Transiting White Dwarfs.
High-Resolution Transmission Spectra of Earth through Geological Time
Model Spectra for Earth through geological time from 0.4 to 20 microns at a resolution > 100,000 for 5 epochs through Earth’s geological time from an anoxic atmosphere 3.9 Ga to an anoxic atmosphere with less CO2 and CH4 around 3.5 Ga and 3 models which capture the rise of oxygen from 0.01 PAL O2 to 1PAL (21% O2) on modern Earth, which started around 2.4 billion years ago (Ga).
High resolution reflection spectra for Proxima b and Trappist-1e models for ELT observations
Title: High-resolution reflection spectra for Proxima b and Trappist-1e models for ELT observations Authors: Zifan Lin & Lisa Kaltenegger Description: High-resolution reflection spectra of two of the closest potentially habitable exoplanets (Proxima b and Trappist-1e) for a range of terrestrial atmospheres and surface pressures for active and inactive phases of their host stars for both oxic and anoxic conditions. For more information see
Spectra, Albedos, and Colors of Solar System Bodies
The geometric albedos and spectra for 19 Solar System bodies from 0.5 - 2.5 µm, including spectra at low resolution (R=8) and around F0, G0, K0, M0, and M9 stars. Color magnitudes are also included for all spectra. For more information see Madden & Kaltenegger 2018 in Astrobiology.
Color Catalog of Life: Surface biosignatures of exo-Earths
Reflection measurements for 137 different biota from Earth's different environments. Find more details in this PNAS paper (Hegde et al. 2015) by CSI researcher Siddharth Hegde & Lisa Kaltenegger
Spectra of the Earth
- Visible. NIR and infrared spectra for Earth in emergent flux (secondary eclipse or directly images)
- UV, Visible. NIR and infrared spectra for Earth in transmission flux (primary eclipse)
Find more details in these papers (Kaltenegger et al 2007, Kaltenegger & Traub 2009) by CSI researcher Lisa Kaltenegger and collaborators
Spectra of Earths orbiting different host stars
Visible to infrared spectra find more details in these papers (Rugheimer & Kaltenegger 2013, Rugheimer et al 2015a,b) by CSI researcher Sarah Rugheimer & Lisa Kaltenegger and collaborators
- Earth orbiting an F star (VIS, NIR, IR)
- Earth orbiting an G star (VIS, NIR, IR)
- Earth orbiting an K star (VIS, NIR, IR)
- Earth orbiting an M star (VIS, NIR, IR)
- Earth orbiting an active M star (VIS, NIR, IR)
Spectra of the Earth through geological time
Visible to Infrared spectra from model Earth through geological time (from 3.9billion years ago to present-day Earth) - find more details in these papers (Kaltenegger et al 2007, Rugheimer & Kaltenegger 2017) by CSI researcher Sarah Rugheimer & Lisa Kaltenegger and collaborators
- Earth through geological times (VIS, NIR, IR) Kaltenegger et al 2007
- Earth orbiting an F star through geological times (VIS, NIR, IR) Rugheimer & Kaltenegger 2017
- Earth orbiting an G star through geological times (VIS, NIR, IR) Rugheimer & Kaltenegger 2017
- Earth orbiting an K star through geological times (VIS, NIR, IR) Rugheimer & Kaltenegger 2017
- Earth orbiting an M star through geological times (VIS, NIR, IR) Rugheimer & Kaltenegger 2017
UV surface flux of the Earth through geological time
Surface UV flux from model Earth through geological time (from 3.9billion years ago to present-day Earth) - find more details in these papers (Rugheimer et al. 2015 ) by CSI researcher Sarah Rugheimer & Lisa Kaltenegger and collaborators